Invitation to collaborate with YES I CAN:
1. Governments: YES I CAN invites collaboration with governments at local,
national, and regional levels. By partnering with government entities, YES I CAN
can leverage their resources, infrastructure, and policy frameworks to scale up its
programs and initiatives. Governments can support YES I CAN by providing
funding, regulatory support, and access to facilities and networks. In return, YES I
CAN offers governments innovative solutions to address youth unemployment,
enhance workforce development, and promote economic growth. Collaborating
with governments enables YES I CAN to align its efforts with national development
priorities and maximize its impact on youth empowerment and socio-economic

2. International funding organizations: YES I CAN seeks collaboration with
international funding organizations, such as bilateral and multilateral donors,
foundations, and philanthropic entities. These organizations play a crucial role in
providing financial support, technical assistance, and capacity building to advance
youth empowerment initiatives. By partnering with international funding
organizations, YES I CAN can access additional funding sources, expand its reach,
and strengthen its programs and services. Collaborating with international funding
organizations also enhances YES I CAN’s credibility and visibility on the global
stage, attracting more resources and opportunities for impact.
3. Development banks: YES I CAN welcomes collaboration with development
banks, including regional development banks and international financial
institutions. Development banks provide financing, expertise, and policy advice to
support sustainable development initiatives, including youth empowerment and
entrepreneurship. By partnering with development banks, YES I CAN can access
financial instruments, technical assistance programs, and investment
opportunities to scale up its activities and achieve greater impact. Development
banks also offer valuable knowledge sharing and capacity building opportunities,
enabling YES I CAN to enhance its organizational capacity and effectiveness.

4. Regional bodies (e.g., ECOWAS, African Union, United Nations): YES I CAN seeks
partnerships with regional bodies, such as the Economic Community of West
African States (ECOWAS), the African Union (AU), and the United Nations (UN).
These regional bodies play a critical role in promoting regional integration,
fostering cooperation, and addressing common challenges facing African
countries. By collaborating with regional bodies, YES I CAN can align its initiatives
with regional development agendas, leverage regional networks and resources,
and enhance cross-border cooperation. Partnerships with regional bodies also
facilitate policy advocacy, knowledge exchange, and coordination efforts, enabling
YES I CAN to contribute to broader regional development objectives.
Overall, collaboration with governments, international funding organizations,
development banks, and regional bodies provides YES I CAN with valuable
opportunities to mobilize resources, leverage expertise, and scale up its efforts to
empower youth and promote sustainable development in Africa. By working
together with diverse stakeholders, YES I CAN can maximize its impact and create
positive change for the benefit of young people and communities across the Continents