1. Establish a world-class apprenticeship center and platform: YES I CAN aims to
create a state-of-the-art apprenticeship center and online platform. This center
will serve as a hub for training, mentorship, and skills development, providing
youth with access to resources, workshops, and networking opportunities. The
platform will offer an interactive and user-friendly interface where young
individuals can explore apprenticeship opportunities, connect with mentors, and
track their progress.
2. Implement proven apprenticeship models using international best practices:The
initiative seeks to implement apprenticeship models that have been successful
globally. By adopting international best practices, YES I CAN ensures that
apprenticeship programs are structured, effective, and aligned with industry
standards. This approach helps to enhance the quality of training and increase the
employability of participating youth.

3. Foster entrepreneurship among youth: In addition to apprenticeships, YES I CAN
places a strong emphasis on fostering entrepreneurship among young people. The
initiative provides support, resources, and mentorship to aspiring entrepreneurs,
helping them to develop business ideas, create sustainable ventures, and become
successful leaders in their communities. By promoting entrepreneurship, YES I
CAN encourages innovation, job creation, and economic growth.
4. Ensure the efficient utilization of grants and funding resources: YES I CAN is
committed to ensuring that grants and funding resources are utilized efficiently
and effectively. The initiative implements transparent financial management
practices, conducts regular audits, and monitors the use of funds to maximize
impact and accountability. By optimizing the use of grants, 

YES I CAN maximizes
the benefits for participating youth and stakeholders, ultimately contributing to
long-term sustainability and success.
Overall, these objectives collectively contribute to the overarching goal of YES I
CAN, which is to empower youth through structured apprenticeship,
entrepreneurship, and efficient resource management, ultimately enabling them
to realize their full potential and create positive change in their communities