1. Entrepreneurial Apprenticeship Program:
– Focus: The Entrepreneurial Apprenticeship Program is designed for aspiring
entrepreneurs who want to start their own businesses. It focuses on equipping
participants with the skills, knowledge, and support needed to launch and grow
successful ventures.
– Objectives: The objectives of the Entrepreneurial Apprenticeship Program

e- Providing participants with practical training in business development,

marketing, finance, and management.
– Offering mentorship and guidance from experienced entrepreneurs to help
participants navigate the challenges of starting and running a business.
– Facilitating access to funding, resources, and networks to support the launch
and growth of participants’ ventures.

– Fostering creativity, innovation, and resilienc among participants to enable
them to succeed as entrepreneurs in competitive markets.
2. Intrapreneurial Apprenticeship Program:
– Focus: The Intrapreneurial Apprenticeship Program targets individuals who
aspire to innovate and drive change within existing organizations or corporate
environments. It focuses on fostering an intrapreneurial mindset and providing
participants with the tools and strategies to create value within their
– Objectives: The objectives of the Intrapreneurial Apprenticeship Program
– Cultivating an intrapreneurial mindset among participants, encouraging them
to think creatively, take initiative, and identify opportunities for innovation within
their organizations.
– Providing participants with training in areas such as problem-solving, decisionmaking, leadership, and project management to support their intrapreneurial
– Facilitating collaboration and knowledge sharing among participants to foster
a culture of innovation and continuous improvement within their organizations.
– Empowering participants to drive positive change, enhance organizational
performance, and contribute to the growth and success of their companies.

3. Masters Apprenticeship Program:
– Focus: The Masters Apprenticeship Program is targeted at individuals who have
already achieved a certain level of expertise in their field and are seeking to
further develop their skills and knowledge under the guidance of master
practitioners. It focuses on providing advanced training, mentorship, and handson experience to help participants reach mastery in their chosen profession.
– Objectives: The objectives of the Masters Apprenticeship Program include:
– Providing participants with access to master practitioners who have achieved
excellence in their field and can offer valuable insights, mentorship, and guidance.
– Offering advanced training and skill development opportunities to help
participants refine their expertise and achieve mastery in their profession.
– Providing participants with opportunities to work on real-world projects and
initiatives under the guidance of master practitioners, allowing them to apply
their skills and knowledge in practical settings.
– Facilitating networking and collaboration among participants to create a
community of practice where they can learn from each other, share best practices,
and support each other’s professional growth.
Overall, these three apprenticeship programs offered by YES I CAN cater to
individuals with different aspirations, skill levels, and career goals, providing them
with tailored training, mentorship, and support to succeed as entrepreneurs,
intrapreneurs, or master practitioners in their respective fields.