The Apprenticeship Process:*

1. *Registration via YES I CAN app or website:* The process begins with interested individuals registering through the YES I CAN mobile app or website. During registration, participants provide basic personal information and details about their interests, skills, and educational background.

2. *Access to virtual academy for training:* Upon registration, apprentices gain access to the virtual academy provided by YES I CAN. This online platform offers a wide range of training modules and resources tailored to various industries and skill sets. Apprentices can explore different courses, workshops, and tutorials based on their areas of interest and career goals.


3. *Completion of training modules:* Apprentices proceed to complete the training modules available on the virtual academy. These modules cover essential topics related to their chosen field, such as technical skills, industry knowledge, and professional development. The training materials are designed to be interactive, engaging, and easy to understand, allowing apprentices to learn at their own pace.

4. *Assessment to confirm proficiency:* After completing the training modules, apprentices undergo assessments to evaluate their proficiency and mastery of the skills taught. These assessments may include quizzes, exams, practical assignments, or demonstrations, depending on the nature of the training. The goal is to ensure that apprentices have acquired the necessary knowledge and competencies to succeed in their chosen field.

5. *Matching with experienced mentors:* Once apprentices have demonstrated proficiency in their training, they are matched with experienced mentors within their industry. Mentors provide guidance, support, and feedback to apprentices as they navigate their apprenticeship journey. They offer valuable insights, share real-world experiences, and help apprentices develop their skills and professional networks.


6. *Seamless integration with formal education:* Throughout the apprenticeship process, YES I CAN emphasizes the importance of integrating practical training with formal education. Apprentices are encouraged to apply the knowledge and skills gained through their apprenticeship experiences to their academic studies, creating a seamless transition between theory and practice. This integration enhances the overall learning experience and prepares apprentices for success in both their academic and professional pursuits.

Overall, the apprenticeship process within YES I CAN is designed to be comprehensive, flexible, and tailored to the needs of individual participants. By providing access to quality training, mentorship, and educational resources, the initiative equips apprentices with the tools they need to thrive in their chosen careers and contribute meaningfully to their communities.