We are the one stop Centre For Apprentice Development

Empowering Tomorrow’s Entrepreneurs: The YES I CAN Initiative

In a world where success stories remain elusive and the pathways to entrepreneurial triumph are shrouded in mystery, YES I CAN emerges as a beacon of hope and opportunity, especially in Africa, where the blueprint for achievement often lies undocumented. Rooted in a passionate pursuit to cultivate the next generation of business leaders, YES I CAN stands as an internship, apprenticeship, and mentorship connective system, meticulously designed to illuminate the path to success for budding entrepreneurs, particularly in Nigeria.


At the heart of our mission lies the recognition that Africa lacks comprehensive documentation of successful business models and pathways to wealth creation. The opaqueness surrounding the source of riches for many influential figures often leaves aspiring entrepreneurs disillusioned. While some amassed fortunes through opaque channels or governmental affiliations, there exist legitimate success stories waiting to be unveiled. YES I CAN takes up the mantle to bridge this gap, deploying its media and publishing arm to craft compelling documentaries and movies that decode the success stories of legitimate entrepreneurs, enabling the upcoming generation to learn from real-life business scenarios.

The YES I CAN Support System operates through a multi-faceted approach, encompassing apprenticeship, internships, and mentorship models. For those new to the entrepreneurial landscape, the Apprenticeship Program offers comprehensive training and guidance. Meanwhile, the Internship Program caters to those already engaged in businesses, yet seeking direction and enhancement. Furthermore, established entrepreneurs looking to scale their ventures are matched with seasoned mentors to navigate the expansion journey.

Our unique Apprenticeship Program bifurcates into two tracks: one facilitating collaboration with established firms, and the other fostering the creation of pioneering entrepreneurs. These individuals are expertly paired with mentors, and upon completing their training, YES I CAN, in partnership with funding entities, invests in their ventures. Notably, the mentor assumes a directorial role in the apprentice’s company for a period, ensuring consolidation and sustainable growth.

At the core of our infrastructure lie robust structures such as the YES I CAN Academy, Learning Forum, Multimedia Department, Simulation Centers, and a purpose-built YES I CAN App, all bolstered by grants and financial backing. Our aim is to be the catalyst that transforms governmental policies on youth entrepreneurship into thriving, impactful enterprises, using our proven systems.

Under the visionary leadership of Stephen Ben-Joel, a serial entrepreneur, and a mentor in leadership and youth development, YES I CAN is poised to revolutionize the entrepreneurial landscape. Ben-Joel’s commitment, coupled with a continuous learning ethos, ensures organizations remain adept in a rapidly evolving skills landscape.

YES I CAN isn’t just a program; it’s a movement—a conduit for aspiring entrepreneurs to realize their dreams, learn from the best, and build businesses that drive meaningful change. Together, we pave the way for a new era of entrepreneurial success and sustainable growth.

Apprentice Education

we offer strategic apprenticeship education blending formal and informal way of learning for sustainable national and global development

Advanced Program

Our advanced program is geared towards pairing Masters and Apprentice together with specialized monitoring from our central monitoring portal for onwards funding after successful completion of program